Michelson Morley Experiment
One of the most important and interesting stories in the history of science.-
Quick and dirty explanation with applet to help explain what is going on.
Philosophical implications
Teacher Resources
Tools for teaching. If you are teacher, you'll think that these are cool.-
Tracker is a FREE video analysis and modeling tool. Use cheap video cameras to record an experiment, then collect data from it.
Places to get tools besides Amazon-
Mostly woodworking
Colloquia are lectures generally for people already in community. These are generally for physics folk. (UC Berkeley)
Squarespace Links
The official Squarespace site.
Squarespace release and service announcements.
A blog straight from the mouths -- err, keyboards -- of Squarespacers.
Suprising Science
Sure some people ignored it, but it did reduce the number of people who drank.
Abstract and tools